Friday, January 14, 2011

Harry Potter Exhibition

I hope you all are doing okay! I realized that I posted about the extension of the Harry Potter Exhibit, but then realized that maybe people don't really know what it's about! So, I thought I'd give you guys a walk through, hopefully convincing you Pacific Northwesterners so pack up and go to it while it's still at the science center!

Firstly, you do get sorted by a talking sorting hat, including with the SONG!

It sings, it talks, it moves around!!! And yes, I DID get sorted because it's not just for children. I went into Ravenclaw, after shooting dagger eyes at the person before me who got sorted into Slytherin. But don't worry about me, I'll be chillin' with Luna in no time.

You get to walk through the entire thing, experiencing rooms, rather than a museum of just pieces. Starts with the train, then a bunch of moving photos (including the Fat Lady who screeches constantly)... Then, you start with the GRYFFINDORS!

It covers Harry's stuff, Ron's stuff, and Hermione's!

You can see his acceptance letter, the box of poisoned sweets, the Maurader's Map, Harry's glasses, and wand. There are things like this for all the Top Three, and professors and other characters! It's really great! If only the security guards weren't against theft...

Then, you walk through PROFESSORS! There's Snape, Lockhart, Umbridge, Lupin, and Sprout! Lockhart makes me laugh every time I look at his face! It's really bad - it's a gut reaction. But Lupin's section even has his boggart closet and Umbridge has a NAUSTEATINGLY pink section... I mean, just look!

Slughorn vs. Snape.... who'd win? (I ask as Snape's using Slughorn's dead body to clean the floor)

I always found that damn clown to be SO scary... then I was trying to remember who in the movie (besides me) was PETRIFIED of clowns, and then they were playing the clip and it's supposed to be the 'funny' thing... crazy stuff.

Can you say ew?!

Then, you walk to the QUIDDITCH AREA. Which, actually, was one of my favorite parts because I think the quidditch materials are SO COOL!!!!

Call me an infant, but isn't the snitch cool!?

One thing I should mention; Standing by all these costumes... EVERYONE IS TINY. I felt like a giant, just marching around, feeding on villagers...

You continue, go through the Forbidden Forest, past Buckbeak, and through....

HAGRID!!!! (P.S.his costume?! HUGE.)

Then, it turns for the DARK. Death eater's central, filled with Voldy and Bella (who, honestly, is one of my favorite characters).


Death Eaters and Kreacher... I have a huge soft spot for Kreacher...

Ends with the Great Hall.... Beautiful stuff. Even the gift shop is GREAT! They have a wall of wands EXACTLY like Ollivanders and shirts that say "Muggle" on them (If I had money, I'd buy all of it).

I hope you enjoyed the PICS! And if you're in the area GO! It's twice as good as pictures and it's just Super FUN!!!!

Are you going? Have you seen it? Did you see it else? Leave a comment and chat!

1 comment:

  1. I soooooooo wish I was going to this. I've been hearing about it and it is ONLY a ferry ride away. But money money money. Unfortunately looking at these pictures make me want to go that much more!!! Thanks for sharing
