Friday, January 14, 2011

Ginny is Engaged to Grindelwald?!

That's right. According to Daily Mail Online (a UK site), after 6 months of whirlwind dating, Jamie Campbell Bower who plays Gellert Grindelwald in the Deathly Hallows movies, is engaged to Bonnie Wright, better known as, Ginny Weasley. With age comes wisdom, so the engagement of the 22-yr-old promising actor (Bower) and 19-yr-old actress who has been called the next Cate Blanchett (Wright) has stunned many and created a great deal of skepticism. 'He says they are completely in love. It all seems very whirlwind, but they both say it’s the real deal’ a source on the Harry Potter set said.

The article continues by saying that controversy exists about whether Bonnie was a rebound for Jamie, having only broken up with Zoe Graham, a clothing designer, a few months before. Zoe is characterized by her pale skin and striking red hair...sound familiar?

From a Harry Potter standpoint, Bonnie and Jamie's upcoming nuptials are significant because Jamie is one of the Volturi (Caius) in the Twilight Saga movies. So, Twilight and Harry Potter are eternally bound--for better or for worse. I sincerely hope the best for the young lovebirds regardless of the scrutiny.

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