Monday, January 31, 2011

Day #1: Voldemort Vs. Harry Rap

One of my favorite things EVER. Who do you think won? I think, hands down, Voldy...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Ridiculous Harry Potter Video Week

We all know it. Harry Potter, despite being an awesome book and a fabulous franchise, is the maker of TONS of hilarious videos. To celebrate this fact, we're going to have a HARRY POTTER VIDEO EXTRAVEGANZA here at Battle Blog...

It's nice to know if the Bed Intruder Guy was at Hogwarts, Hagrid never would've been sent to Azkaban...

Starting tomorrow, prepare yourself for a week of hilarity!

Friday, January 28, 2011

NEW STILL and Interview with Bonnie Wright

Even though we're a bit late on this, there is a new photo that has been circulating around internet for PART 2!

Wht scene do you think this is from? I personally like the double take for the camera that Rupert's giving us... Maybe it's something in the woods or they're hiding from something (I tried the most vague explanation I could think of... I mean, when are they not running through the woods or hiding from something?)

Also, in a second sort of new, Bonnie Wright (aka Ginny Weasley) has answered a few questions regarding Part 2!

On how big a role Ginny will play in the second part:
I think, actually, the character is involved more. She struggles with Bellatrix and such. Can't say too much, but the role of Ginny is really great, besides the epilogue - not sure if you know, but we had to remake it in December!

On whether there's time for romance between Harry and Ginny during the war:

Yes, there is a kiss. Can't say when that moment will be... but yes, there is a kiss. Also, they do have some other significant moments which I think are cool. We (Dan and I) did a good job.

On whether she has ever had a crush on Daniel Radcliffe:
No! Everyone asks that. I've known [the cast] for so many years that I've lost count... We treat each other as friends and always will. And it would be too embarrassing. Some people say, "Bonnie, you and Daniel make such a good couple" and I get embarrassed and just smile...

Bonnie sounds like such a sweetheart! When do you think Harry and Ginny are going to be 'snogging'? To sound as British as possible...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Harry Potter Gets 2 Oscar Nods

So, the Oscar announcements came out today and Harry Potter gave a couple nominations! Both of them have to do with the artistry of the film, which was breathtaking and totally deserved.

Art Direction: Stuart Craig (Production Design), Stephanie McMillan (Set Decoration)

Visual Effects: Tim Burke, John Richardson, Christian Manz, and Nicolas Aithadi

As glad as I am that Harry Potter was given some recognition, I'm just wating for the day when the actors get some love too. I don't know about you, but I love Helena Bonham Carter and Emma Thompson - there are so many more, but I feel the acting in the films has grown exponentially... What do you think? Who do you want to get what Oscar Nomination?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

DVD Release Date and Deleted Scenes!

It seems the closer we get to the end of the road, the more information we're given. Bittersweet, but true. The newest grain of information is the release date of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which is sceduled to be release....


That actually doesn't seem to far off! Two months before the release of the second movie, which is perfect! Also, the list of deleted scenes has hit the internet:

- The Burrow’s Shed (Ron discusses radios with his father)
- The Dursley House (Harry and Petunia leave the house; Harry and Dudley shake hands)
- The Granger House (The Death Eaters search Hermiones deserted home)
- Ministry of Magic Lifts (Harry interacts with Mr. Weasley)
- Tent (The Trio discuss destroying the locket horcrux)
- Rabbit chase in the forest
- Montage: Ron & Hermione skimming stones

These sound exciting! I actually was a little bummed that Harry and Mr. Weasley didn't chat in the movie, so I'm really looking forward to that scene!

What are you guys looking forward to?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

NEW Part 2 Photo

A new photo from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 has been released! It looks like its the two gazing through the two-way mirror shard that Harry's kept.

Are you excited for the new movie? I say, keep the pictures coming!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

New Arts Poster Released!

A new poster for the final Harry Potter movie has just been released!

Snape's Death Scene Altered


It was just released by the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Art Director, Andrew Ackland-Snow, that in Part two, the location of Severus Snape's death has been changed. He says,

"We wanted to change a bit where Snape dies. In the book, he dies on the Shrieking Shack, and we wanted to get him out from, not a conventional interior, but from that kind of box, to do it in a more dramatic atmosphere. We asked J.K. if she agreed for that to happen in there, because we hadn't really seen it before. We made a crystal house, and you can see what happens in the boat house from there - Are you listening Harry? -, but also the school is in flames...and she loved it. Besides, it's a very romantic place to die. Snape dies in a extremely good way, I gotta say."

Although altering the book makes me nervous, the fact that Rowling ok'ed it says a lot. What do you think? Shrieking Shack vs. Crystal House?